Here is a place for my travelogues, now being updated with my May 2011 expedition, From the Gardens of Seville .... The blog title comes from a favorite puzzle: You are a photographer. You leave your base camp and walk one mile South. Nothing. So you change direction and walk one mile West. Here you see a family of bears. You take lots of pictures. Finally, your memory card full, you walk one mile North and you are back where you started from, at your base camp! What color were the bears?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Time Zone

The time in Italy is currently six hours ahead of Eastern Daylight Time. While on the ship I usually awoke about 1:00 or 2:00 am. Now that I'm back and just lost six hours, what time zone is my body in? It feels like the same time zone as Tranquility Base on the Moon.
